Entwicklungsbuero Stresing
Reinholdstrasse 5
DE-12051 Berlin

VAT ID DE135832325
WEEE DE57008267
Phone +49 (0) 30 685 45 06
Fax +49 (0) 30 685 12 56
Managing Director
Dipl. - Phys. Gerhard Stresing



Privacy Policy

Name and address of the responsible party

The responsible party in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO) is:
Dipl.-Phys Gerhard Stresing
Reinholdstrasse 5
12051 Berlin
Telephone:+49 30 6854505
Telefax:+49 30 6851256

General Remarks on Data Processing

The Entwicklungsbuero Stresing (following EBS) treat your personal data with confidentiality in accordance with the law and this privacy policy. You can generally use our website without entering any personal data.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data and your rights

By your correspondence with EBS as well as for the processing of business transactions, we will collect, process and use your personal data. The legal basis for therefore is Art. 6 Para.1 lit. b) and c) EU-DSGVO. We will process your data according to its purpose. Specifically we will not share your data with third parties without your expressed consent.
Please note that data transmission over the Internet (when communicating via e-mail) may have security vulnerabilities. A complete protection of the data from access by third parties is not possible. Your data will be stored within the legal retention periods in order to fulfill our contract (Art. 17 EU-DSGVO). You can demand the deletion of your personal data within the scope of the legal regulations from us, unless one of the reasons according to Art. 17 (3) EU-DSGVO excludes this.

The provider automatically collects information that your browser transmits to us and store it in log files such as:
browser type/version
operating system used
referred URL
host name of the accessing computer
date and time of the server request
This data cannot be associated with a specific person. The data is not combined with other sources.  

Imprint & Privacy Policy
Graphics and layout © 2007 by Little Engine Design.
Content and photos © 2007 by Entwicklungsbüro Stresing. All Rights Reserved.